Disclaimers and Other Info


This blog doesn’t collect personal information about visitors except for standard traffic logs automatically generated by our web server and [if I can figure it out] Google Analytics. If you choose to leave a comment or sign-up for my email list, I will then have your email address. I won’t sell or voluntarily disclose your email address or personal information to anyone, ever.


I might post excerpts of things created by smarter and more talented people. If you, as a copyright holder, feel I have violated or infringed on your copyright, please let me know and I will take down the link or modify the post in question.


This blog is for entertainment purposes only. Though I’ve been a professional at a few things, most of those won’t be things I write about here. Enjoy reading someone else’s thoughts and don’t take things too seriously. Thanks!

Affiliate Links

I’m planning on using affiliate links on this blog. For those unaware, affiliate links are specialized links to products that track that you opened them from this site and pay me a small amount of money as a result. Think of it like a finders fee for the internet. I’ll call it out every time I use an affiliate link. My attitude on this is that I will never do paid promotions, and I will never link you to a product that I don’t love and use. I might also link to products I use and love that simply don’t offer affiliate links. I’m going to recommend this stuff anyway! If you happen to like what you’re reading here and appreciate my recommendations, then please use them. Companies are giving this money away anyway, so I might as well take some of it to help pay web-hosting fees. 🙂

I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.