About Me

At the time I’m starting this blog, I’m a relatively new dad to a little boy, and a relatively middle-aged husband to a caring, smart, and beautiful wife. We live in the Washington DC-area in a 40+ year-old house that should provide plenty of fodder for blog posts as I work to fix what ails it and improve what needs improving.

This is not a home improvement blog, though. Well, that’s part of it. Oh! Squirrel! I’m interested in lots of things, have had some experiences, and have done a good amount of research along the way that I’ve found has helped family, friends, and acquaintances.

One of these interests is the FI/RE community (Financial Independence/Retire Early), which has led me to spend less money while improving my life; I’ll share some perspective on that. I also like to garden, I’m an electric vehicle enthusiast, am mildly into “prepping” (in what I consider to be a reasonable-person-kind-of-way), and occasionally create/invent something totally awesome that I’m happy to share. I aspire to be resilient and I believe resiliency can make everyone a better person, neighbor, and citizen (locally, nationally, and globally).

This blog isn’t about any one of these things, it’s about all of them. You might love a post and then not be interested whatsoever in the one that comes after that. Sounds good to me.

Why I’m Doing This

Kind of like Jim Collins did on his excellent blog with providing a roadmap for his daughter to invest, I want to pass along know-how to my son. I once got a small book when I graduated college: full of tons of info about life in only about 60 pages. How to shop for an engagement ring, what pieces of beef were which, renting vs owning your home, etc. Super useful. I want to do more for him than that book, but if I provide as many takeaways as that book did for me, I’ll have been moderately successful.

If something were to ever happen to me, I’ll have left a little bit of insight into my thoughts, scruples, and attitude for him to (hopefully) enjoy and (also hopefully) laugh at. I also get to benefit by picking up some useful web-design skills and maybe reach a few people along the way that I can help out.