It’s OK Only If The World Is Ending

The Scenario

You’ve just gotten news from a reliable source that a cataclysmic event will unfold one week from now that will cause the breakdown of all human society worldwide. It’s not quite an extinction-level event, but it’s going to be extremely bad for a long time. The world is destined to descend into lawlessness, and you have advanced knowledge that it’s going to happen.

And now you have the time to figure out where to go, who to tell, and what to acquire and take with you. 

Meet Jack

Jack was confronted with this dilemma. He lived a pretty quiet suburban life, generally speaking. He had a job, a family, a house, and some money saved up to hopefully retire comfortably someday. 

Through his various hobby knowledge and his professional career as a rocket geologist, Jack was slowly piecing together the signs that led him to the certainty that the event was coming in only a week. He was prohibited from speaking out to warn others because his work swore him to secrecy with the threat of jail time or worse. He explained it to his family, and they were 100% onboard. They had to act.

Jack already knew that getting fully prepared to survive in only a week was going to take a boatload of cash. His only advantage was that the rest of the world hadn’t caught on whatsoever.

Jack called his sister, Christina. She had been the family’s resident pessimist/Nostradamus for as long as anyone could remember, and she was in. She had some property that was a perfect, secluded, rural place for them to flee to by the end of the week and setup shop. Obviously the whole family was welcome. If there was one thing Christina loved more than prophesying the end of times, it was her family.

The Plan

The next few days were extremely challenging, and the nights provided little sleep. What time they weren’t taking loading up box trucks and other vehicles with building materials, solar panels, batteries, medical equipment, books, seeds, and tools, they were spending scrounging around on the internet printing out massive reams of information on gardening, primitive medicine, farming, homesteading, etc. They ordered guns, ammo, first aid supplies, water storage containers, handheld radios, freeze-dried food by the pallet, and a myriad of other items.

The cost for all of these items ran into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Luckily, Jack, Christina, and their respective families were all upstanding citizens with credit scores that were surpassed only by the size of their credit limits.

They loaded all of their vehicles on Day 5 and set out for Christina’s property. Each adult drove their own vehicle loaded for bear with everything they thought they needed from here on out.

After a tumultuous week, the real work was about to start as they pulled onto Christina’s property with two RVs, two gigantic box trucks, a pickup, and an electric car. Each vehicle brimmed with supplies. This was it.

The Takeaway

And I’ll conclude this post by saying that this is one of the only times it’s okay to run up charges on your credit card with no intention of paying off the balance in full each month. If you do this in any circumstance other than something like the above, you’re probably doing it wrong.

1 Comment

  1. CrewRef

    Whoa!! That’s one way to sell the idea of paying off your credit card debt.

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