The Simple Secret to Exercising Consistently

This is a piece of advice that seems simple. However, if my consistent-over-time yet non-scientific observations are any indicator, it’s a piece of advice either unknown or ignored by a vast swathe of people…

The secret to exercising consistently is to find an exercise or exercises you like to do

First, let’s back up.

Have you ever seen someone out running who is grimacing with every step and looks as if they’re on death’s door? Part of me wants to say: “Great job! You’re out there doing it!” But the intelligent part of me wants to say to them: “You didn’t think this through, did you?”

So for everyone’s benefit, let’s actually think this through, shall we? It won’t take long…

What is our ultimate goal when exercising? Mostly it’s either: (1) improving overall health and longevity, or (2) getting better at a particular skill or sport.* In order to achieve either of these goals, consistency is key, right?

The Key to Consistency

Here’s what it comes down to: It is approximately 8,742 percent more difficult to stay motivated and be consistent for the long term if you don’t enjoy what you’re doing. Therefore, pick an activity you like to do and stick with it. 

If you ever played competitive sports in school, look into joining an adult league to improve on your skills. Always been a great swimmer? Get a pool membership. I don’t care if your “thing” is laser tag as long as it gets you moving—blast those bratty kids, Barney Stinson-style!

How I Met Your Mother, Created by Carter Bays and Craig Thomas, performances by Neil Patrick Harris, Cobie Smulders, Josh Radnor, 20th Century Fox and Bays & Thomas Productions, CBS, 2005-2014.

I once worked with a woman who was in amazing shape. She played competitive ultimate frisbee. Thing is, she loved ultimate frisbee. She found a group of other women who loved ultimate frisbee. They essentially trained like professional athletes 4-6 days per week in order to play teams from other cities who did the same.

Do you think it was difficult for them to stay motivated to stay in such great shape? She didn’t seem to think so. They even hired a team trainer. They were serious about their fun.

It’s like that saying about working… If you love your job, you won’t work a day in your life.

Find what you love.

*Sometimes that skill is just looking good


  1. CrewRef

    Lost me at the laser tag link…

    • myunfocusedblog

      Haha. It’s a reference to a show from a few years ago called “How I Met Your Mother.” Barney Stinson was a character obsessed with bedding women and playing laser tag. And if you’ve ever played laser tag, you would know it’s often the more physically strenuous of those activities. 🙂

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